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ecclesiological society造句

  • From 1842 Butterfield was involved with the Cambridge Camden Society, later The Ecclesiological Society.
  • He was active in the foundation of the Scottish Church Society and Scottish Ecclesiological Society.
  • He adopted the principles of the Tractarian Movement, and was a prominent member of the Ecclesiological Society.
  • At Cambridge he was affected by the Oxford Movement and helped to found the Cambridge Camden Society ( afterwards known as the Ecclesiological Society ).
  • The Ecclesiological Society's newsletter, choir roof was lower than that of the nave, which was not considered appropriate for a cathedral.
  • At the establishment of the Chichester Literary and Ecclesiological Society in February 1831, Chandler accepted the office of President and delivered the inaugural lecture.
  • Determined not to stray from this path, the vestry of St . Mark's initially obtained church plans from the Ecclesiological Society in England.
  • On the recommendation of the Ecclesiological Society, the British architect William Butterfield designed a choir and tower, and Medley succeeded in raising a further ?, 000.
  • He obtained from the Ecclesiological Society ( as the Cambridge Camden Society was known after 1845 ) a wooden model to be used as a pattern for building wooden churches.
  • The foundation of the new society was also linked, more by overlapping interests than organizational models, to the body then known as the St Paul's Ecclesiological Society.
  • It's difficult to see ecclesiological society in a sentence. 用ecclesiological society造句挺难的
  • The society was re-established as the St Paul's Ecclesiological Society in 1879 . That society reverted to the old name, the Ecclesiological Society, in 1937.
  • The society was re-established as the St Paul's Ecclesiological Society in 1879 . That society reverted to the old name, the Ecclesiological Society, in 1937.
  • While at Trinity College in 1839, he was, along with John Mason Neale and Benjamin Webb a founder of the Cambridge Camden Society ( later the Ecclesiological Society ).
  • Its successor " Ecclesiology Today " is still, as of 2011, being published by The Ecclesiological Society ( successor to the CCS, now a registered charity ).
  • The liturgical hobby surfaced publicly in 1879 when he became a founder member of the re-established St Paul's Ecclesiological Society and with an 1881 essay on liturgical colours.
  • In keeping with the principles of the Ecclesiological Society and the Oxford Movement, he was a devotee of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments in terms of ordering his descriptions ".
  • He was a member of the Ecclesiological Society, and a former member of the Camden Society, which promoted the revival of Gothic architecture and an academic study of the style.
  • Although some architects designed the earlier Commissioners'churches in AWN Pugin ( 1812 52 ) and, influenced by him, the Cambridge Camden Society ( later named the Ecclesiological Society ).
  • The architect, Samuel Daukes ( or Dawkes ), was a member of the Ecclesiological Society, and many of the influences of the Oxford Movement can be detected in the layout of the interior.
  • It reflects the arrival in New Zealand of the influence of the Oxford Movement and The Ecclesiological Society, developments in thought about the Gothic revival epitomised by the work of William Butterfield ( 1814 1900 ).
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